This is Wendy's amazing quilt she gave to us for Christmas! We LOVE it!!!!!! I have to blog it because I know Wendy won't. Seriously have you ever seen anything so cute!!

This is Wendy's amazing quilt she gave to us for Christmas! We LOVE it!!!!!! I have to blog it because I know Wendy won't. Seriously have you ever seen anything so cute!!
Posted by
6:46 PM
I had several people ask me for the recipe for soup at the party, so I thought I would post it: Here goes:
Potato Dill Soup
2 T dehydrated onion(or one fresh chopped)
1/2 c. chopped celery
4 T. chicken boullion
4 C water
2- 8 oz pkg cream cheese
1 c diced ham
1-16 oz frozen hash browns
1 T. dill
Boil first 4 ingredients until veggies are tender
Stir in remaining ingredients and heat through.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Posted by
10:56 PM
Here are pictures of my cute crib bedding that Wendy made! The pictures don't really do it justice, it really is so so so cute!
This was my first time doing curtains and I basically just made it up as I went, they turned out okay, I'm such an amature.
The top quilt. I love how it is so big because I can use it with her next bed too.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Well here it is...I have been meaning to put this up for a little while...and I will be honest, I am quite proud! This is only like my second post on the crafty blog, but I am planning on turning over a new leaf...anyways, I got this pattern at Material Girls (speaking of, Megan and Heather you girls are AMAZING!! I think I am going this weekend and I am going to totally be on the lookout for Fresh Poppy Design stuff:) Seriously, you guys ROCK!) and it was pretty easy to do...hopefully I will be cooking much much more!
See you at craft night!
Posted by
W. Nielson
5:09 PM
I know that I have been a terrible "craft coordinator" but now is the time to get back into the swing of things. We-the crafty girls- have a bunch of changes this summer we have lost a regular(Meg:() and we have some new additions that we have high hopes for (Katie). So we will pick up where we left off in APRIL! So come one come all to Aunt Jill's house the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 and be ready to craft your heart out!
Posted by
8:11 AM
This was day one with the baby's room, measuring and cutting all the moldings and putting them on the walls, Kyle spent 13 hours in the room that day.
Tons of wood putty and sanding, that was the slowest part!
Kyle decided one night after he finished sanding that he wanted to do a crown molding, he totally taught himself how to do it and it turned out great. Oh, and he HATES painting so I had to get a picture of this, he got up super early on Saturday and painted a bunch for me.
Our kids were such little helpers. I think they're just as happy as we are that it's done.
This is how it turned out, it's so pretty and I can't wait to get all my bedding in, of course Wendy takes all the credit for the bedding but it's going to be so cute. I know it's weird that I didn't do any pink, but I'm not really into pink all that much but don't worry almost every article of clothing I've purchased is pink so she will be plenty girly! Thanks to Rachel for giving me the idea to go with Tiffany's bule I think it turned out so cute!
Posted by
7:32 PM
Posted by
8:40 AM
Either we haven't been posting here for a while, or we havent' crafted since craft weekend (which is just about true for me) Anyhow, here are some sewing projects... My Mommy made these cute matching outfits for sophie and sawyer's birthday's.
Jill also whipped together this ensamble with my scraps! Love her!
I made this fun outfit for Sophie, hair bow, fabulous pants! and appliqued an S on a store bought onesie.
Posted by
4:05 PM
Here are the pictures of our Craft Weekend. It was sooo much fun. I love you all so much. I'm so grateful to have such awesome in-laws! I'll post a bunch of the pictures here but I'm bringing CD's with the pictures to the next Craft Night for Jill and Wendy and then you guys can get the pics from them.
Posted by
3:30 PM
I am with Amy, that this weekend rocked my socks! I can't even begin to tell you girls how much stinking fun I had. Who knew Heather and Megan got so silly after 10:00 at night...OK maybe 11:00 I guess that's what happens when you have kids and your normal bed time is 9:30!
I know that we all got a ton done and it was so nice to spend the weekend with all of you girls. I have to say that I am truly grateful for the relationships that we all have and am so amazed that 19 Bullock girls can all get together for 3 days and have a wonderful time. I love that we all have common interest and hobbies. I am amazed at how talented each one of you are and love that you were willing to share those talents with the rest of us! I know this is kinda mushy but remember the I am 7 months prego. I do love each one of you and I hope that we can continue this tradition for many many more years!
Thanks again for all of you!
Posted by
3:02 PM
Thank you everyone for the super fantastic weekend! I totally loved it and had so much fun! I can 't wait until next time!
Super thanks to mom (Jill) and Wendy for all of the help that you gave everyone. Same to Rachel for putting it all together! Of course the Bullocks get mega kudos for the fantastic cabin accommodations!
Miss you all! I wish I was still there!!!
♥ Amy
Posted by
12:52 PM
hey everybody! I'm excited about this weekend. Rach should be emailing everybody a map and directions to the cabin. Also I was just wondering if any of the Lighten girls and Castle girls will be bringing laptops? Me, Linds and Katie are trying to figure out if anybody there will be doing digital scrapbooking?
Posted by
2:35 PM
Okay, I'm finally trying to make my shopping list for craft weekend and I wanted to hear what everyone else is doing. Kim, what are plastic ball containers???
I'm trying to decide what I want to do but I want to hear who all is making quilts and if you're doing the halloween one or your own. Thanks.
Posted by
4:51 PM
Posted by
12:54 PM
I don't know how to do this so I am posting it here. Sorry for hijacking this blog for a sec! For safety reason I changed our blog name so it might be hard to find!
Posted by
8:59 AM
I don't know a whole ton about these quilts but I will try and tell you what I know. The fabric is Marie Osmond's and it was a challenge to see what design you could come up with and you had to use all the fabric and then they are going to auction them off for charity. I know that she had 2 friends that worked on it with her but she did the quilting so blow up the pictures and see what a fantastic job she did. Just in case you are wondering, no they don't win anything and they don't know who's quilt got the most money, all she does get is little warm fuzzzies!
A little side not to my mom- if I got anything wrong or embarrassed you in any way, too bad! LEARN HOW TO POST YOURSELF!
Posted by
5:16 PM
How stinking cute is this blanket for my little girl!
I am posting this for Wendy, just so you all know I didn't do a lick of work on it. It was all Wendy! The back has paisley embossed on the back so it is the softest sweetest little blanket that I have ever seen! What a lucky baby!
Posted by
5:09 PM
These are sooo cute and easy.
- 1 inch ribbon only a 1/2 a yard or less just enough to fit around the kids waist. (or you can use Elastic but I liked the Ribbon)
- Tulle (you don't need a lot. About 3/4 a yard per color. I used 4 colors in this tutu Dark pink, light pink, very light pink, and sparkly white. but if you only use 2 colors than maybe get more)
Posted by
12:52 PM
Okay people who are going to do headbands :) Here is the info.
-fake flowers (you can get a bundle at walmart for like 2 bucks and don't worry if they have small ones in the bundle too, you can use those as well)
-wire cutters
-hot glue gun
-jewels (varying sizes for the center of your flower)
-alligator clips (you can get a box of 100 at Sallys for 5 dollars or a box of 25 for I just got the box of 100)
-ribbon (1/2 inch ribbon to cover the alligator clip so you can glue the flower on)
- ribbon (one inch.. white would do great for the headband)
-knee highs (you can get those at walmart for .35 cents, they come in those little plastic ball containers.... if you have a hard time finding them call Lindsey because she can ALWAYS find them in Denver and whenever I go to the Provo Walmart I have my choice of black and navy blue...or that weird nude color)
Also in the picture, I made the flower and headband, but you can also make cute bows. So if you want to bring your left over ribbon or just go buy some... bring that too so you can make bows. Oh and I had a bunch of the thin ribbon left over from scrapbooking and small jewels so I made the hair clips for when Payton is older. Also the clip with the small flower, that is from the small flowers on the bundles at walmart. But you can also use scrapbook flowers. If you do bring left over ribbon bring a needle and thread too... because sometimes sewing them together works better than hot glue. If you have any questions let me or Lindsey know :)
Posted by
12:39 PM