Sunday, November 25, 2007

Page #8

Here is part 8. I am really hoping to finish this album at least by Christmas, possibly even Ernesto's birthday, but not likely! This was Easter Sunday in England. We went to church, which was so great, they had the funniest they were trying to be funny. But it was a great experience, the church in a totally different place. Then we had Easter dinner, and grandma didn't have enough chairs so she sat on her bathing chair!! It was so sick, but quite a classic story. Then we drove around where my dad grew up, seeing his school, an old home, Grays Beach, which is hardly a beach...anyway it was a great day.
Ernesto and I LOVED our trip, that is why I am making such a detailed album, I am trying to recall all of our stories so we can reflect on the great vacation!


Heather said...

Gagen, that is so nice you are doing this. You are journaling tons of things you would probably forget later in life. Such cute pages too!

Rachel said...

Cute page and very funny story! It will be so awesome to look back at these in 10 years!

grammajill said...

That Grandma! You will remember this forever, wish I had done this from the beginning myself. I mean the beginning of my married life!

Jennica said...

I love the bathing seat bit! You are going to love looking at these later and reading your stories.

Amy said...

The journaling is wonderful! I too wish I started this a LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time ago!