Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Megan's Scrappy Page for the Week

This page 6 of an England and Scotland Album. Unfortunately since I am trying to finish this book, a lot of my entries will look very similar!


Rachel said...

Can I hate you? Your page rules! And I totally agree Lincoln is gorgeous! hehe. Way to go on being the first to make a post you rule. I want to know what kit(s) you used because they are so cool! I could go on about all the little things I loved about you page but I guess the biggest thing is the detail AWESOME!

grammajill said...

So cute, Megs. I wanna go again, Oh thats right, I AM going again. Really I wish you could go with us and bring little Soy Boy. Nice page. I will use it for MY scrapbook memory of England, too.

Amy said...

Love it Meg! I SO need scrappy lessons!

Ruthie said...

Great page Megan. I am totally intemidated on posting any of my pages. They are so basic compared to any of yours.

Heather said...

fabulous gagen! I love this whole european series you have done. Your scrapbooking skills have super grown. I love all these and totally want to channel them in my next pages I make!

Kasey Lighten said...

Meg, Really nice! I love the travel-log really highlights the highlights of your trip. (Sorry for the's getting late. :)) But really, I love it!