Monday, November 26, 2007

Gramma Jill's Playroom

I just finished the mural of the beach on my grandkids playroom. First try at anything like this!?!


Rachel said...

Nice Job Gramma Jill it looks fantastic! What lucky grandkids you have!

Jill said...

That is so cool! Way to go now you have a super grandma basement.

Wendy said...

Okay Jill- tell me megan helped you post your blog!!! I'm impressed!! And the basement looks just darling, how fun.

Megan said...

Sooo cute mommy! Love it, of course! You are soooo talented!

Heather said...

Mom, fricken cute!!! The girls LOVE it there. I can't wait to finish my basement so you can come do that to mine!!! Cute cute stuff!

Jennica said...

That is so fun. I am sure that it is a big hit with your grandkids!!!

Amy said...

Mom you have always been the best at this. It is TOTALLY adorable!