I don't know how to do this so I am posting it here. Sorry for hijacking this blog for a sec! For safety reason I changed our blog name so it might be hard to find!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kid Soup
Posted by
8:59 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wendy and Marie Osmond BFF'S
I don't know a whole ton about these quilts but I will try and tell you what I know. The fabric is Marie Osmond's and it was a challenge to see what design you could come up with and you had to use all the fabric and then they are going to auction them off for charity. I know that she had 2 friends that worked on it with her but she did the quilting so blow up the pictures and see what a fantastic job she did. Just in case you are wondering, no they don't win anything and they don't know who's quilt got the most money, all she does get is little warm fuzzzies!
A little side not to my mom- if I got anything wrong or embarrassed you in any way, too bad! LEARN HOW TO POST YOURSELF!
Posted by
5:16 PM
Wendy's quilts
How stinking cute is this blanket for my little girl!
I am posting this for Wendy, just so you all know I didn't do a lick of work on it. It was all Wendy! The back has paisley embossed on the back so it is the softest sweetest little blanket that I have ever seen! What a lucky baby!
Posted by
5:09 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
These are sooo cute and easy.
- 1 inch ribbon only a 1/2 a yard or less just enough to fit around the kids waist. (or you can use Elastic but I liked the Ribbon)
- Tulle (you don't need a lot. About 3/4 a yard per color. I used 4 colors in this tutu Dark pink, light pink, very light pink, and sparkly white. but if you only use 2 colors than maybe get more)
Posted by
12:52 PM
Okay people who are going to do headbands :) Here is the info.
-fake flowers (you can get a bundle at walmart for like 2 bucks and don't worry if they have small ones in the bundle too, you can use those as well)
-wire cutters
-hot glue gun
-jewels (varying sizes for the center of your flower)
-alligator clips (you can get a box of 100 at Sallys for 5 dollars or a box of 25 for 2.50...so I just got the box of 100)
-ribbon (1/2 inch ribbon to cover the alligator clip so you can glue the flower on)
- ribbon (one inch.. white would do great for the headband)
-knee highs (you can get those at walmart for .35 cents, they come in those little plastic ball containers.... if you have a hard time finding them call Lindsey because she can ALWAYS find them in Denver and whenever I go to the Provo Walmart I have my choice of black and navy blue...or that weird nude color)
Also in the picture, I made the flower and headband, but you can also make cute bows. So if you want to bring your left over ribbon or just go buy some... bring that too so you can make bows. Oh and I had a bunch of the thin ribbon left over from scrapbooking and small jewels so I made the hair clips for when Payton is older. Also the clip with the small flower, that is from the small flowers on the bundles at walmart. But you can also use scrapbook flowers. If you do bring left over ribbon bring a needle and thread too... because sometimes sewing them together works better than hot glue. If you have any questions let me or Lindsey know :)
Posted by
12:39 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Quilt Information
So the two quilts that we are going to do in a group setting is a squares quilt and a "Buggy Barn". These quilts are awesome for first timers, with the squares one Wendy is going to teach you how to sew the blocks together using a chain method. It is not hard to do and the top can be done easily in one afternoon. If you want to learn how to quilt I highly suggest that you do it now with Wendy there to help you every step of the way!
The Buggy Barn quilt is a super cute Halloween quilt- I know it's May- but it would be so cute to hang over your couch in October. Buggy Barn is another method of quilting, it isn't that hard but it does get confusing and tricky. Once again this is an excellent time to learn how to quilt and to have Wendy right beside you to teach you would be awesome.
If you want practice but don't want to pay for fabric or keep the quilt Wendy can get you squares quilts that go to charity.
Witch quilt(these are for the kits)
25$ for the top
20$ for the backing
8$ for the batting
You can get your own fabric if you would like, just let us know that's what you want to do and I will let you know how much fabric to get.
Squares quilt
If you want to do this leave a comment and I can e-mail you the amount of fabric that you would need to get, depending on the size of the quilt.
If you want to do one for charity(not lighten) then let me know that also, so we can pick up a free kit.
Posted by
1:55 PM
Posted by
10:06 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
Posted by
4:34 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Logistics of Craft weekend!
Friday Night: Castles
Saturday Morning: Bullocks
Saturday Dinner: Lightens
Sunday Morning: Bullocks
Lunch Foods: Lightens
Plates: Kris Bullock
(Wendy and Jill divided the rest)
We'll have to figure out more as we get closer, but pretty much each family is in charge of getting carpools together. We'll be leaving Friday Morning. No set time yet...but that is when the Bullocks will head out and then other people can follow or meet us there :)
Every girl is in charge of bringing a sweet & salty treat :)
Jasmine: CHICK FLICKS boo yah!
Megan: Guitar Hero
And if you would like to enter the baking contest (bake off, treat off whatever we want to call it, Dessert Competition, etc) bring the ingredients for that too. We'll be doing a bake off probably Saturday afternoon.
There will be a lot going on and below are just a list of things people wanted to do and the people that will be teaching us. Later they will be posting more about the crafts and what to bring, etc. If you want to do that craft please leave them a comment so they know you are interested in having them teach you.... etc. So for example if I am going to teach how to make hair bows. I'll post about that and all the things you'll need :)
-Doggy/Stuffed Animals: Megan
-Baby Bows: Kim & Lindsey
-Baby Bibs & Taggies: Meg & Heather
-Tutus: Kim
-Table Runners: Rachel
-Digital Scrapbooking: Everybody :) But most likely Meg, h=Heather, Rachel, Jill... you know the people that actually know how
-Actions: Jill C.
-Photoshop: Heather
-Quilting: Wendy & Rachel (Wendy will teach us how to make a square quilt and buggy barn quilt)
*it looks like the majority of the projects people we'll be doing is sewing. And If you are going to bring your laptop leave a comment. I know Lindsey is but a few other girls aren't sure they will so if you are or thinking about bringing your laptop leave a comment so we'll know who really will have digital scrapbooking there.
I think I posted most of the logistics if I missed anything else from the meeting just add to this post :) Love you all!
Posted by
8:44 AM